Coldwater Community Schools Reach Settlement with Juul Labs to Install Vaping Detectors

Coldwater Community Schools in Michigan has agreed to a $40,000 lawsuit settlement with e-cigarette manufacturer Juul Labs. The settlement will be used to install vaping detectors in the restrooms of Coldwater High and Legg Middle schools. The settlement was approved as a result of a class-action lawsuit filed against Juul Labs by all 50 state attorneys general in the US. In this article, we will explore the issue of teenage vaping in schools, how the settlement was reached, and the impact of the lawsuit on the schools.

The Serious Problem of Teenage Vaping

Vaping among teenagers has become a serious problem across the United States. According to Coldwater Police reports, 31 students were caught using nicotine vape pens at Coldwater High in 2022, among the nearly 2,000 students enrolled. Additionally, three students were caught three times, and one student was caught five times. The easily concealed devices were also used by five students to inhale marijuana. At Legg Middle School, staff caught 10 students using nicotine vape pens and one student using a marijuana vape pen.

Vaping is a habit that is picked up by teens and becomes addictive. It is also very easy for them to access these devices, which are easy to carry and use. The schools’ principal, Bill Milnes, stated that it is a substance abuse issue for these kids and should be treated from that perspective. The schools are working hard to educate students about the dangers of vaping and to provide support for those who need it.

The Impact of the Lawsuit on Coldwater Community Schools

Coldwater Community Schools joined the class-action lawsuit against Juul Labs, alleging that the company misled consumers about the health risks of their products and aimed advertising towards youths with flavored cartridges. The settlement, which will be paid out over five years, will fund the installation of vaping detectors in the restrooms of Coldwater High and Legg Middle schools.

Milnes compared the installation of vaping detectors in bathrooms to radar units on the streets. Just like how radar units deter some drivers from speeding, the presence of vaping detectors in the restrooms will deter some students from thinking they can get away with vaping. The principal also thinks detectors will help school staff catch more students vaping. They will immediately alert school authorities if something is wrong, allowing them to take prompt action.

Coldwater Community Schools will use general funds to purchase the detectors now, which will be repaid when Juul disbursements are made. If all 120 schools in Michigan do not accept the settlement and elect to go to trial, Coldwater may receive additional funds. However, there is still another lawsuit pending against the biggest stakeholder in Juul Labs, Altria Group Inc. The Marlboro cigarette maker took a 35% stake in Juul in 2018. About 10,000 plaintiffs are seeking to hold Altria responsible for the epidemic of youth vaping through the company’s support of Juul.


The use of vaping detectors in school restrooms is an effective way to deter students from vaping on school grounds. The settlement reached by Coldwater Community Schools and Juul Labs will provide funds for the installation of vaping detectors in Coldwater High and Legg Middle schools. The schools’ efforts to educate students about the dangers of vaping and provide support for those who need it are commendable.


  • What is the settlement amount that Coldwater Community Schools received from Juul Labs?
    Coldwater Community Schools received a $40,000 lawsuit settlement from Juul Labs.

  • How will the settlement funds be used?
    The funds will be used to install vaping detectors in the restrooms of Coldwater High and Legg Middle schools.

  • What is the impact of the vaping detectors in schools?
    The installation of vaping detectors in the school restrooms will deter some students from thinking they can get away with vaping, and will help school staff catch more students vaping.

  • What is the punishment for students caught vaping at Coldwater High and Legg Middle schools?
    Students caught vaping are suspended for a day, and for those caught again, discipline progressively increases and can end up in court. Students get a civil ticket and must appear before Judge Kashian’s juvenile court. Fines can go up to $50, and those who admit or are found guilty participate in a program about nicotine abuse.

  • What is the goal of the schools’ efforts to educate students about vaping?
    The goal of the schools’ efforts to educate students about vaping is to teach them healthy life habits and to help them understand that what they’re doing is wrong. Additionally, the schools aim to provide support to those who need it and to deter students from using e-cigarettes through the use of vaping detectors in school restrooms.